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Impartiality Policy Statement

Impartiality Policy

Zolabix (Pty) Ltd is the legal entity responsible for certification activities; reference to Zolabix (Pty) Ltd in this Policy and Public Statement refers to these legal entities.

Auditors and others involved in the certification process are not and will not be put under any pressure and will not be influenced in any way to come to a particular conclusion regarding the result of an audit.

Zolabix (Pty) Ltd’s Impartiality Norms:

  • No outsourcing of Audits to Consultancy Organisation.
  • No Referral Fees to be paid to Consultancy Organisation.
  • Facts based communication to Clients/ Consultancy Organisation.
  • Adherence to all Accreditation and other Zolabix (Pty) Ltd Policies.
  • Zolabix (Pty) Ltd shall not carry out any other conflicting services other than its core business of Certification.
  • Zolabix (Pty) Ltd shall not employ any professional conflicting its ethical policies.
  • Zolabix (Pty) Ltd shall not allow any of its auditors to market the services and conduct the audits forthe same client.
  • Zolabix (Pty) Ltd shall not allow any of its auditors to carry out financial transactions with clients / consultants.
  • Zolabix (Pty) Ltd shall not carry out business with any consultant inducing pressures to compromise impartiality.
  • All employees of Zolabix (Pty) Ltd shall disclose any situation impairing the business ethics.
  • Zolabix (Pty) Ltd shall not allow any of the auditors to carry out audits for the client at least for 2years from the date of relinquishment from their services for the client.
  • Zolabix (Pty) Ltd shall not allow any auditor to compromise on the audit timing as required as per the accreditation/ Zolabix (Pty) Ltd norms.
  • Zolabix (Pty) Ltd shall not allow any auditor to conduct the audit for the client for which it has not been approved.
  • Zolabix (Pty) Ltd shall maintain transparency with regard to all information.
  • No auditor shall divulge any confidential information of the client to any third party without writtenconsent from the client and approval by MD
  • No auditor shall carry any client information with them after the usage period. All client information shall be returned after usage.
  • Utmost care / verification to be carried out for granting the right scope of certification.
  • Any unethical practice observed should be notified to the management at the earliest.
  • Zolabix (Pty) Ltd shall not allow any of its auditors to accept any gifts from client / consultant of value greater than ZAR 500.

Quality Policy Statement

Quality Policy

Quality will pervade Zolabix (Pty) Ltd’s technical, operational and client service delivery process. Our quality service culture is characterized by client focus and continuous improvement in all we do

The delivery of quality service shall be the focus of everyone at Zolabix (Pty) Ltd As we achieve success in the long term pursuit of quality, our people will strive to:

  • Meet client needs and exceed client expectations
  • Respond quickly and wisely to rapid changes in the business environment and changing clientneeds.
  • Attract and retain clients by being best-in-class.To ensure continuing success of the quality initiative, our leadership will:
  • Maintain an absolute, proactive and long term commitment to client focussed, continuous service improvement.
  • Understand the concepts, be familiar with the tools and encourage techniques that enable us to fully integrate client focussed continuous improvement in everything we do.
  • Act as role models for the quality values of Zolabix (Pty) Ltd
  • Zolabix (Pty) Ltd has formulated an Impartiality committee for ensuring strict adherence to laid down impartiality norms and for reviewing of the norms on a time to time basis.

RTMS SANS 1395:1 Certification


Quality will pervade Zolabix (Pty) Ltd’s technical, operational and client service delivery process. Our quality service culture is characterized by client focus and continuous improvement in all we do

Procedure for Certificate Issue, suspension and withdrawal

Quality Procedure

To describe a procedure for audit planning, conducting the audit at the client’s premises, preparation of reports and submitting the reports.

1.0 Purpose

To describe a procedure for audit planning, conducting the audit at the client’s premises, preparation of reports and submitting the reports:

2.0 Scope

This procedure covers audit planning, execution of audit and reporting of all types of audits as listed below:

  • Stage 1 audit
  • Stage 2 audit
  • Follow up audit
  • Surveillance audit
  • Transfer audit

3.0 Responsibility
3.1 Quality Manager is responsible for planning the audit and ensuring the audit reports

are received timely in the office and review of the audit reports.

3.2 Audit Team Leaders/ Auditors are responsible for the execution of audits and preparation of audit and submitting the audit.

Procedure for Complaints and Appeal

Quality Procedure

The purpose of this procedure is to describe the handling of incidents, complaints and appeals received from the client, in-house and or form other parties.

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to describe the handling of incidents, complaints and appeals received from the client, in-house and or form other parties.

2.0 Scope

This procedure covers all complaints and appeals received by the organisation by any mean be it, written, verbal, email etc. It may also include adverse findings during audits.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1 Managing Director is responsible for receiving the complaint and appeals from the clients and other parties. They in consultation with the Quality Manager, office staff and auditors are responsible for handling, validation and analysing the complaints and appeals to the satisfaction of the clients and other parties.

Rules for use of Certification Mark and Logo

Certification Mark and Logo

ZOLABIX (PTY) LTD issues marks corresponding to the relevant standard for which approval has been given, by way of a current Certificate of Registration. The certification mark (ZOLABIX (PTY) LTD Shield) used must correspond to the standard against which the company has been audited and achieved registration (i.e. SANS 1395-1).

To ensure that the correct markings are used the following rules shall be observed by all companies who receive certification through ZOLABIX (PTY) LTD:

1. The marks shall be displayed only in the appropriate form, size and colour detailed in this Section.

2. The organisation’s certificate number is printed under the mark. 3. When the mark is printed on an unfolded portion of A4 size stationery, it shall be displayed in a size no larger than 30 mm high. On larger portions of unfolded stationery the size may be proportionately increased.

4. Accreditation marks shall normally have a minimum height (excluding the certificate number) of 20 mm. Any enlargement or reduction shall retain the same proportions as those of the masters. The accreditation mark and the certificate number shall be considered as a single entity for purposes of enlargement or reduction.

5. In exceptional circumstances, which are usually dictated by reason of space limitation or cost, the marks may be reproduced at a reduced height, provided that irrespective of the height of reproduction, the mark must be legible, with no infilling.

6. Embossed, relief, or die-stamped versions may be used. The marks may be reproduced as water marks.

Management System Manual

Management System Manual

Legal and contractual matters.

5.1 Legal and contractual matters

5.1.1 Legal responsibility

Zolabix (Pty) Ltd. (Co. Reg 2018/492540/07) based in South Africa is the legal entity responsible for all its certification activities. The relationship between Zolabix (Pty) Ltd, its personnel and principals is explained in Annexure-1 (Organisational Chart).

  1. 5.1.2  Certification agreementZolabix (Pty) Ltd has established a legally enforceable agreement for the provision of certification activities to its clients and all the sites covered by the scope of certification. Where there are multiple sites of client, the agreement covers all the sites covered by the scope of the certification.Reference →
    1. a)  F27 – Quotation For Certification
    2. b)  F27 – Certification Agreement
  2. 5.1.3  Responsibility for certification decisionsZolabix (Pty) Ltd retains both responsibility and authority for its decisions relating to the granting, maintaining, renewing, extending, reducing, suspending and withdrawing of certification.Decisions for any individual client are made under the authority of the Managing Director through individual employees of Zolabix (Pty) Ltd, who are deemed competent and appointed by the Managing Director of Zolabix (Pty) Ltd. (where necessary in consultation with other ‘experts’ whose technical expertise is required to make a judgement and those individuals that possess the necessary competence).